Curriculum Intent
At Fairisle Infant and Nursery School our rights respecting school ethos is at the heart of the school and the PSHE curriculum. The children learn to have an understanding about their rights as individuals and of each other. The staff and children model the rights respecting behaviours so that they can make a difference in the school community, the local community and the global community. We will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to be a successful learners. We are committed to enabling pupils to lead confident, healthy independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens who play an effective role in society. Through the curriculum the pupils will develop a greater understanding of both their feelings and those of others around them. We seek to promote the recognition and worth of other people and to develop in children respect and tolerance for others, both in the near and wider community. Pupils will learn how they can help to keep themselves safe and healthy. We aim to foster resilient, empathetic, responsible, healthy and kind pupils.
Curriculum Implementation
PSED in EYFS is taught across all areas of the curriculum and throughout continuous provision as a prime area of development. Staff understand that PSED is fundamental to all other aspect of a child’s learning. The three aspects of ‘Self-regulation’, ‘Managing self’ and ‘Building relationships are taught specifically through a range of curriculum activities such as circle time, role playing, ‘wonderwall’ days, feelings puppets, guided breathing exercises and yoga.
PSED is taught holistically through our restorative practise and through fostering enabling learning environments where children have strong relationships with staff that allow them to develop their emotional understanding, be curious and solve problems. Children feel confident to take risks are they know adults are there to support them to form relationships and work independently.
Our PSHE curriculum is taught throughout key-stage one through three core themes.
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World
The core themes ensure that the curriculum builds on prior knowledge and is progressive.
PSHE is an integral part of assemblies, school and class council, charity days, educational visits and community experiences.
An ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ task is undertaken at start and end of each unit to allow the class teacher to assess how the pupils' knowledge and understanding has deepened throughout the unit of work. Pupils should be able to apply their skills and knowledge beyond PSHE lessons and teachers take this into consideration when assessing children’s attainment in PSHE. Children are assessed for each unit of work where teachers will give a best fit judgement taking the ‘whole child’ into account.
Progress is measured through a range of activities including:
Whole class discussions
Mind maps
Role play
Leaflets, posters, class displays