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Lock It, Block It, Show It, Tell It is a strategy with an easy to remember slogan to promote online safety to children and their parents.

Lock It

This is about keeping personal information secure: usernames and passwords (not telling anyone your password because they can see your files and could pretend to be you) and personal details (not giving out personal information to anyone online or typing it into online forms).

Block It

This is about blocking rude or nasty messages. It's about blocking bad websites, not downloading anything you're unsure about, and not clicking on any links or pictures you don't know about.

Show It

This is about showing an adult if you come across anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or is inappropriate. It's also understanding that you know there are some things you shouldn't be looking at. This could be a website, a picture, a message or a video.

Tell It

This is about telling an adult if you feel you are being bullied or upset online. The point here is that cyber-bullying is just the same as bullying in the real world you shouldn't have to put up with it and it can be stopped.

'If a message comes up, don’t press on it, get a grown up and show it, tell it and block it.' Year 2 child

Openview Education workshops

We annually work with Openview Education to provide a workshop for all the children in Year R, 1 and 2.  This will be about keeping safe and how to do this.  As part of this workshop, they offer guides for parents, so you are aware of what your child will be learning.  Feel free to click on the link to their website to watch some helpful videos and to find leaflets for your reference.  Parent Zone

Useful websites:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)

Article 3

The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.

Article 17

Every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

At Fairisle Infant and Nursery school, we strive to support keeping children safe online and promote a positive and responsible use of the internet with support of parents.